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It is the process of transferring the hair loss to the people who have hair loss to the areas where the hair loss area is as natural and permanent as possible. When done by paying attention to hygiene conditions by expert and experienced technical teams, a healthy hair appearance can be created as if it is almost never shed.

Who is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is considered as the most common aesthetic application for men. In addition, it can be done to women who have hair loss or thinning problem, and not only hair but also eyebrow, mustache and beard. Hair transplantation can be done not only for baldness, but also for increasing hair density in rare areas.

Why does hair fall out?

The most common cause of hair loss in men is genetic predisposition. In this predisposition, which is also called androgenetic type hair loss, the hair starts to fall at the age of 15-18 and reaches the last point around the age of 30. Genetic type hair loss in women is milder and may present at a later age. Apart from this, advancing age, various injuries and hair loss after some diseases can be seen.

How to do hair transplantation?

The most important factor in hair transplantation is that the person has enough hair follicles suitable for transplantation. These hair follicles taken are called grafts. Grafts are generally obtained from nape. If there is not enough hair follicles on the nape, grafting can be done by taking grafts from the hairy areas on the chest and arm. Application period varies according to the size of the area to be planted. If the area is small, a few hours of single session is sufficient, while the area is large, the number of sessions may increase.

The most important point in hair transplantation is that the hair transplanted quickly gets fed and starts feeding. This actually means ‘hair retention’. In order for hair transplantation to be successful, it is essential to hold as many grafts as possible and to give it a natural appearance. This is only possible with the planting of the graft at the right angle, the right density and the right distance with experienced hands.

What are Hair Transplantation Techniques?

In hair transplantation, 2 techniques are used, namely Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The use of the FUT method has gradually decreased due to its reasoning and stitching, currently the most used method is FUE. In FUE method, hair is taken one by one under local anesthesia and planted in the missing areas. In this technique, while the grafts are collected, the incision is not made in the scalp, and the grafts are collected with needles smaller than 1 mm. Grafts are placed in the recipient area at the right angle and depth in the holes opened with the help of a micro motor tool. Afterwards, the patient is discharged within a couple of hours, with a bandage. It is recommended to continue home rest and bandage application for a few days. 3.-5. The patient is called to the dressing between days. After the procedure, pain, discomfort, some bruising and swelling can be monitored with pain relievers. Avoid intense, strenuous activities for at least 2 weeks, and protect the scalp from trauma.

1.Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In other words, hair transplantation is the transplantation of healthy hair follicles located in the nape and over the ear region and coded as resistant to loss to diluted or spilled areas. In the FUE, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the region between the two ears by using micro-motor devices called thin cylindrical punch during the purchase phase. The follicles are not removed side by side, and several follicles are removed in between. The channels are opened with slit or sapphire.

2.Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) Method

The most important feature of the dhi hair transplantation technique is that it can be done without the need for applications such as stitches and scars. It is performed by implanting the grafts taken from the scalp on the back of the head to the balding area. The biggest advantage is that, due to the short contact of the grafts with the air, a healthier result can be obtained.

The grafts taken from the back of the head are placed on the area to be applied without any incision by means of special tools. Since the hair is made without cutting and cutting the area where the hair will be transplanted, the planted roots are kept stronger and more frequent planting can be done. Although DHI Hair Transplant takes a little longer than FUE hair transplant method, it is more successful in terms of the results obtained. And since the cut is not opened, the healing and adaptation of the planted roots to new places are faster.

Things to consider after hair transplantation

  • On the first day, there may be leaks in the nape area and this is normal.
  • It is necessary to rest on the first day after planting. Your head should be stretched back at an angle of 45. Bending forward should be avoided.
  • After the first 5-6 days after planting, your travel pillow should be worn to support the height and lie on your back.
  • In the first 10 days, protect the planting area from any trauma and rubbing. Hats given to you must be used in open areas. Great care should be taken when putting on and removing the hat, getting in the car and passing through the doors.
  • In front of the first 10 days, a shirt that can be opened from the front should be preferred.
  • It should not use alcohol and cigarettes for the first 10 days.
  • After the 10th wash, the crusting must have passed completely in the planting area.
  • Drowsiness and itching may occur in the treated area and may take up to 6 months
  • The first 15 days are not allowed in the sea, pool or sauna.
  • The first 20 days should not be done heavy sports.
  • Shaving machine is not used for 40 days in the planted area.
  • Hair dyeing can be done after 6 months in non-vegetative and 4 months in vegetative.


Contact Mayaleen Hair Transplant in Turkey Clinic